Aarjay International Pvt Ltd is a single source for a wide range of test & automation solutions. We have established partnerships with renowned global leaders in electronics testing products to supply their products in the Indian market, enabling us to provide standardized and reliable solutions to our customers.

Our customer-centric approach sets us apart. We collaborate with our clients to create custom-designed solutions that combine the expertise of our engineers with the unique technologies offered by our original equipment manufacturer (OEM) partners.

Our solution offerings include electronics test and measurement instruments, automated test equipment (ATEs), radar and GNSS simulators, avionics testing products, and process automation solutions.

Aarjay serves customers across various sectors, including Automotive, Aerospace, Defence, Space, and Industrial.

Find the Right Engineering & Automation Solutions


    Aarjay's comprehensive range of automated testing solutions include thermal systems testing, electric vehicle testing and customized electrical/ electronics testing solutions.


    Monitor power quality and energy consumption of critical systems and remote assets using IEC/ANSI-certified instruments configured for your application.


    Aarjay's Industrial Automation solutions encompass factory process automation & control, condition monitoring, IoT and energy management.

Our Partners